Paid Parental Leave and Adoption Assistance
What is the Paid Parental Leave Policy?
Birth mothers can take 8 weeks of Paid Parental Leave, due to being physically unable to work after the birth of a child.
In addition, the following Hertz employees can take two weeks of Paid Parental Leave to spend time bonding with their children:
- Birth mothers
- An individual whose spouse or domestic partner gives birth to a child (including same-sex partners)
- An individual who adopts a child or who has a child placed for foster care (the child must be age 17 or younger at the time of the adoption or foster care placement)
- An individual who has a child placed with him/her by surrogacy
The adoption of a stepchild is excluded under this policy.
To read the full policy, click here.
Who is eligible for Paid Parental Leave?
You can take Paid Parental Leave if you’re an eligible full-time regular (non-casual and non-temporary) employee and have worked at Hertz for 12 continuous months.
When can I take Paid Parental Leave?
Paid Parental Leave must be taken and completed during the first 6-month period immediately following your child’s birth, adoption, foster placement, or surrogacy placement.
Do I have to take all of my leave at once?
Yes. Paid parental leave must be taken as one continuous period of leave, except as provided by law.
How and when do I request Paid Parental Leave?
You must notify your manager and The Hartford (Hertz’s leave administrator) at least 30 days before your anticipated date of departure for leave. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as premature birth, give notice as soon as you can.
I am a birth mother. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?
You’ll receive 10 weeks of paid leave: 8 weeks to recover from the birth of your child and an additional 2 weeks for bonding with your newborn.
I am the spouse/domestic partner of a woman who gave birth. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?
You’ll receive 2 weeks of paid leave for bonding with your newborn.
I am adopting or fostering a child. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?
You’ll receive 2 weeks of paid leave for bonding with your child. The child must be age 17 or younger at the time of the adoption or foster care placement.
A child will be placed with me by surrogacy. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?
You’ll receive 2 weeks of paid leave for bonding with your child.
My baby was stillborn. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?
You’ll receive 8 weeks of paid leave to recover from the birth of your child.
I gave birth and chose to give my child up for adoption. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?
You will receive 8 weeks of paid leave to recover from the birth of your child.
I got married and adopted my new spouse’s children. Am I eligible for Paid Parental Leave?
No. Stepchildren are excluded from this policy.
My spouse/domestic partner also works at Hertz. If we have a child are we both able to take Paid Parental Leave?
Yes. Based on your eligibility, you may both take the full amount allowable under the policy.
If I give birth to or adopt more than one child, am I eligible for additional Paid Parental Leave?
No. Multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.) with a single pregnancy, adoption, foster placement, or surrogacy placement count as 1 event. You will not receive more than your allowable leave, regardless of whether more than one birth, adoption, foster care placement, or surrogacy placement, except as required by law.
I had to stop working due to complications and have been on Short-Term Disability (STD) and now I’ve given birth. Who do I need to notify that I’m now taking Paid Parental Leave?
Notify your manager and The Hartford (Hertz’s leave administrator) as soon as you can after the birth of your child.
How is Paid Parental Leave calculated?
Paid Parental Leave is paid at 100% of your regular base pay excluding incentive pay, bonuses, and any other form of special compensation.
If you are a commission salesperson paid a base salary plus commissions, base pay for determining benefits will be equal to 80% of your prior year’s annualized Hertz W-2 earnings or current base pay, whichever is greater. To learn more about how the benefit is calculated, go here.
What documentation do I need to provide to take Paid Parental Leave?
You have to provide appropriate documentation, such as a copy of the child’s birth certificate or adoption papers. The documentation must be provided before the leave begins or as soon as you can provide it.
Can I extend my FMLA time by using vacation or sick time?
No, Hertz’s Paid Parental Leave runs concurrently with FMLA. If you want to extend your leave beyond the allotted 12-week FMLA time, you can request additional personal leave time and apply earned vacation or sick time, in accordance with Hertz policies. Contact AskHR for more information.
Will my benefits or employment status be affected if I take Paid Parental Leave?
No. While you’re out on leave, Hertz will maintain all your employee benefits under the same terms and conditions that would apply if you had remained at work. You’ll continue to pay the employee portion of your benefits premiums and Hertz will continue to pay the employer portion.
In addition, when you return from Paid Parental Leave, Hertz will reinstate you at your former position, or one with equivalent status, pay, and benefits that you would have had if you had not taken leave.
My state offers paid parental leave benefits. How do those work with Hertz Paid Parental Leave?
It is your responsibility to apply for any state or local paid family leave benefits that you may be entitled to receive. If you receive state or local parental leave benefits, you must share your benefit calculation with Hertz once you’ve received your benefit.
State or local paid family care or parental leave benefits will be applied first. Then, your Hertz Paid Parental Leave will make up any remaining benefit to ensure that you receive 100% of your regular base pay while on parental leave. You will receive no more than 100% of your regular base pay while on parental leave.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the Paid Parental Leave Benefit?
You can contact The Hartford with any questions you have about your claim before, during, and after your leave.
Where can I read the Paid Parental Leave policy?
You can access it here.
If I do not return to Hertz at the end of my Paid Parental Leave, what happens?
If you do not return to work after your Paid Parental Leave has ended, Hertz may seek to recover any benefit premiums paid for maintaining coverage for you and any dependents while you were on leave, unless you are unable to return to work due to an unexpected circumstance (such as the onset, recurrence, or continuation of a serious health condition of you or your child).
What is the Adoption Assistance Program?
The Program offers a maximum benefit of $5,000 per eligible child (up to two children per employee). If you adopt a child and your situation qualifies for benefits, the Program reimburses you for a portion of your eligible expenses once the adoption is legally final.
To read the full policy, go here.
Who is eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program?
You’re eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program if you’re an eligible full-time regular (non-casual and non-temporary) employee and have worked at Hertz for 12 continuous months.
What are the eligible expenses?
Eligible expenses include:
- Adoption fees;
- Attorney fees;
- Court costs;
- Travel expenses (including meals and lodging) while away from home;
- Other reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to the legal adoption of a child (e.g., uninsured medical expenses for the adopted child and/or birth mother, immigration and naturalization fees, and immunization and translation fees).
Are there any expenses that are not eligible?
Yes. This list is not all expenses that may not be eligible, but identifies the more common expenses that the Program does not cover, such as expenses:
- For which you received funds under any state, local, or federal program;
- That violate state or federal law;
- For carrying out a surrogate parenting arrangement;
- Paid or reimbursed by another employer, any other person or organization, or your employer or an employer-sponsored plan other than through this Program;
- Allowed as a credit or deduction under any other provision of federal income tax law; or
- For an adoption that is not legally final.
Who qualifies as an eligible child?
Any child under age 18 who is not a blood relative or previously adopted child of you or your spouse. If the child turns 18 during the year, the child is eligible for the part of the year he or she is under age 18 (unless the child is physically or mentally incapable of self-care).
How do I apply for the Adoption Assistance Program?
To receive reimbursement, you must pay for any qualified expenses and save your receipts. Then you must file a claim within 90 days of the date the adoption is legal.
How do I file an Adoption Assistance Program claim?
You must complete a claim form. You can access it here while at work.
When do I need to file a claim to receive reimbursement?
You must file a claim within 90 days following the date the adoption is legally final. Allow to two to four weeks for your claim to be processed.
Am I eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program if I adopt a child from a foreign country?
Yes. However, if you adopt a child from a foreign country in an international adoption, the Program will not recognize your adoption as final until you have met the state law adoption requirements for the state you live in.
My spouse/domestic partner also works at Hertz. If we adopt a child are we both eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program?
If both you and your spouse or domestic partner are eligible for the Program, only one of you can claim reimbursement for eligible expenses that either or both of you incur.
Do I have to pay taxes on any benefit I receive?
Certain adoption-related expenses may be nontaxable to you. You may also be able to receive an income tax credit for certain adoption-related expenses, but you cannot receive a nontaxable reimbursement and take a tax credit for the same adoption expense. Both the exclusion and the tax credit are subject to certain dollar limits and income limits.
You are responsible for determining if any benefits you receive under the program are taxable or nontaxable. Hertz cannot and will not provide tax or legal advice to you. Every situation is unique and may be complicated, and you are encouraged to consult your professional tax advisor. You are also encouraged to review Form 8839 “Qualified Adoption Expenses” and the accompanying instructions for more information. They’re available on the IRS website.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the Adoption Assistance Program?
Contact AskHR at 1-800-654-3373. AskHR is available Monday through Friday from (9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET) 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT.
Where can I read the Adoption Assistance Program policy?
You can access it here.