Real Appeal Weight Management
Weight loss that's free.* A difference that's real.Real Appeal by Optum is a digital weight loss program that can help you lose weight and improve your health.
Customized around your specific needs and goals, Real Appeal offers:
- Up to a year of support from your Transformation Coach. Your coach guides you through the program and develops a simple, customized plan that fits your needs, preferences, and goals.
- Unlimited access to Real Appeal’s digital content library, including workout videos, tools to help track food, activity, and weight, weekly analysis and feedback, recipes, and more.
- Access to weekly online coaching sessions with your Transformation Coach and a group of fellow members who share what’s helped them achieve success and provide ongoing accountability.
- A success kit full of healthy weight management tools including fitness guides, a recipe book (with quick family meal ideas and fast-food eating tips), weight scale, and more.
Real Appeal was designed to spark the transformation that is in each and every one of us. To learn how the program can help you meet your goals, visit
For more information about Real Appeal, read this brochure and watch this video.
*Real Appeal is available at no additional cost to employees enrolled in a Hertz medical plan, their covered spouses/domestic partners, and dependents 18 or over with a BMI of 23 and higher, subject to eligibility.