Dental Coverage

Hertz Benefits 5 Guide 5 Health & Wellness 5 Dental Coverage

Dental Plan Options

Hertz offers you three dental plans administered by Cigna:

For more information about what’s covered under each plan and to estimate the cost of care, please review the cost comparison chart below, visit the Cigna website, and/or call Cigna at 1-800-244-6224.

Compare the Plans

Cigna Dental
Plan B
Full Dental PPO
Plan C
Preventive Care Only
In-Network Only In-Network Out-of-Network* In-Network or Out-of-Network*
Deductible $0 $75** $150** $0
Diagnostic and Preventive Care
(Exams, cleanings, and X-rays;
Maximum 2 visits per plan year)
100% 100% 100% 100%
Basic Restorative Care
(Filings, extractions, and root canals)
To see your copay, check the Patient Charge Schedule on
80% 70% Not covered
Major Restorative Care
(Crowns, bridges, and dentures)
50% 40%
Orthodontia*** 50% 40%
Annual Maximum Benefit No Maximum $1,500 $1,500

* If you use an out-of-network provider, you are responsible for any amount that exceeds the eligible expense as determined by Cigna Dental.
** The out-of-network deductible does not count toward satisfying the in-network deductible and the in-network deductible does not count toward satisfying the out-of-network deductible.
*** For the Hertz Dental Plan B, orthodontia is limited to dependent children up to age 19. The lifetime maximum benefit is $1,500.

Helpful Resources

Costs for Coverage

Find In-Network Care

When scheduling an appointment, always check to be sure your dentist is still participating in the plan.

Cigna Oral Health Program

As a participant in one of the three Cigna dental plans, you are eligible to take advantage of the Cigna Oral Health Integration Program. This program may reimburse certain out-of-pocket costs for specific dental services needed due to a medical condition.

These benefits are not automatic: you must actively enroll.

To learn more about the program and enroll, follow the link below.



Phone: 1-800-244-6224

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