Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have a question? Below you'll find answers to common benefits questions, as well as resources you can use if you need more help.

Use the tabs to browse the frequently asked questions and answers for a variety of topics.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for online, contact AskHR to speak with a Hertz Benefits Specialist: call 1-800-654-3373 and select option 3. Hertz Benefits Specialists are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST (8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST).

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

General Questions

Who can I call if I have questions about my benefits?

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for online, contact AskHR to speak with a Hertz Benefits Specialist: call 1-800-654-3373 and select option 3. Hertz Benefits Specialists are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST (8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST).

Can my spouse/domestic partner access Can I access it from home?

Yes. You can access from any device, anywhere, and at any time. There is no login or password required, so your spouse/domestic partner can access the information, too.

Where can I find the rates for my benefits?

Rates are available in the Benefits Guide and the online enrollment tool.

How do I process a life event or status change?

To process a life event or status change, follow this link. For more information about life events and status changes, visit the Qualifying Life Events page.

What type of job opportunities are there at Hertz?

Hertz believes in growing our company from the inside. We encourage you to look into our internal job opportunities if you’re looking to grow your career or move into a different role. Due to this being an internal resource, in order to access the information, you will need to follow this link during a time you are at work.

What happens to my benefits should I decide to leave employment with Hertz?

This depends on the specific benefit you are inquiring about. To find the answers that might apply to you, review the Separation of Employment FAQs.


Who is eligible for benefits?

Visit the Eligibility page for more information.

Can I cover my domestic partner and/or my domestic partner’s children?

Yes. Visit the Eligibility page for more information.

My spouse is eligible for Medicare. Can I cover them?

Visit for more information, or you can contact AskHR.

My spouse and I are both employed by Hertz. Can we both enroll in coverage?

Both you and your spouse may enroll in Hertz benefits. You’ll need to decide whether you’ll both elect individual coverage or have one spouse cover the other, but in no case can an individual have double coverage.

My spouse and I are both employed by Hertz and we have a child/children. How does coverage for our children work?

Only one of you may cover your child/children under Hertz coverage. In no case can a child/children be covered by both parents.

Enrolling in Benefits

I’m a new hire and need to enroll in my benefits. How do I do that?

Visit the New Hire Hub to get started with your benefits enrollment.

Where can I find more information about my benefits?

Read the Benefits Guide to review all of your benefit options, or you can contact AskHR.

What information will I need to enroll?

You should have your dependent and beneficiary information, including your/their Social Security number and date of birth, available during your enrollment session.

How do I enroll for benefits?

Follow the instructions below to complete online enrollment. You can also download/print the instructions.

  1. In the navigation menu at the top of the page, locate the “Login” tab and select “Health Benefits” to open Benefit Solver.
  2. On the login screen, log in using your username and password. If it’s your first time logging in, select “Register” under “Don’t have an account?” You’ll need to enter the company key, “Hertz”, your employee ID number, and your date of birth. Once you’ve registered, you can create your own username, password, and security questions.
  3. Select “Start Here” in the main banner.
  4. Use the “Select” option to select the plans you’d like to enroll in.
  5. When you’re finished, review your personal information, benefit elections, dependents, and beneficiaries.
  6. If you’re ready to move on, select “Approve” in the lower right-hand corner.
  7. Select “I Agree” to confirm your elections. You’ll know you’ve confirmed your elections when you see a confirmation number.

What is a qualified life event?

A change in your current life situation, like getting married, having a baby, getting divorced, or losing health coverage, may be considered a qualifying life event allowing you to update your benefits. For more information, visit the Qualifying Life Events page.

What if I have problems enrolling online?

Contact AskHR for assistance.

What if I have questions about my benefits options?

Contact AskHR to speak with our highly-trained Hertz Benefits Specialists. They are available Monday through Friday and to answer your benefit questions and help you understand, use, and make the most of your benefits.

Medical Plan Options

How do I find a medical provider that participates in the Hertz network?

To access a list of network providers in your area, visit or call 1-833-58HERTZ (1-833-584-3789).

What are my medical plan options?

You have three medical plan options:

  1. PPO: Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan with a copay for in-network doctor visits.
  2. CDHP 1: Consumer-Driven Health Plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA).
  3. CDHP 2: Consumer-Driven Health Plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA) to which Hertz adds contributions.

Visit the Medical Coverage page for more information about the medical plans and a comparison chart.

Will I receive a new medical plan ID card?

Yes. You’ll receive a member ID card for your medical plan and pharmacy benefits.

What if I don’t get my ID card before I need to use my benefits?

Log in to to download/print your ID card, or call 1-833-58HERTZ (1-833-584-3789) to speak with a UMR Plan Advisor.

Will I receive a pharmacy ID card?

You’ll use your medical ID card as your pharmacy ID card. 

Do I have to pay a surcharge when I go to the ER?

Yes. There is a $200 copay for ER visits. The copay is waived if you’re admitted to the hospital; however, the deductible and coinsurance will still apply.

What is a prescription drug formulary?

A formulary:

  • outlines the most commonly prescribed medications from your plan’s complete pharmacy benefit coverage list;
  • identifies the drugs available for certain conditions and organizes them into cost levels, also known as tiers; and
  • includes other programs, such as prior authorization and step therapy and exclusions, which may affect how medications are covered.

To determine whether your medication is covered, review the formulary on the OptumRx app or visit

Where can I find a copy of the formulary?

Review the formulary on the OptumRx app or visit

My drug has a generic equivalent. Will I pay more if I prefer the brand?

Generic medications have the best value and the plan encourages generic use with a lower copay amount. If you choose a brand name over the generic equivalent, you’ll pay more, if coverage is provided for that brand.

Do I need a 90-day prescription for all my medications?

No. This program only applies to certain maintenance medications taken on an ongoing basis. Excluded are medications that are taken for a short period of time, such as antibiotics, controlled substances, and medications included in the Specialty Pharmacy Program.

How will I know if I’m eligible for the Specialty Pharmacy Program?

You will be contacted directly if you are eligible for the Specialty Pharmacy Program.

What is Rx Savings Solutions?

Rx Savings Solutions helps lower your prescription drug costs. After you register, pharmacy experts look at the medications you take and find options that may save you money. For more information, visit the Pharmacy Benefits page.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Who is eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

You can only have a Health Savings Account (HSA) if you are enrolled in a Consumer-Driven Health Plan (i.e. CDHP 1 or CDHP 2). If you’re eligible, when you enroll in either CDHP option, Optum Bank – our HSA partner – will set up the HSA for you and issue you a debit card to access your funds. For more information, visit the HSA page and refer to “HSA – Optum Bank” section in the Document Library.

What can I use my HSA funds for?

You can use the funds in your HSA as follows:

  • To pay for eligible medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision expenses, including certain over-the-counter drugs and medications, as defined in IRS Publications 502 and 969.
  • As supplemental income after age 65. Once you are 65, you can withdraw funds for any reason without paying a penalty, but they will be subject to ordinary income tax if not used for qualified expenses. If you are under age 65 and use your HSA funds for non-qualified expenses, you will need to pay taxes on the money you withdraw, as well as an additional 20% penalty.

What are the benefits of an HSA?

HSAs are tax-advantaged accounts that help people save and pay for qualified health care expenses, such as your deductible, copays and qualified medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision expenses.

The benefits of having an HSA include:

  • Contributions are pre-tax by payroll deduction or tax deductible.*
  • Earnings are income tax-free.
  • You can make tax-free withdrawals for qualified health care expenses.
  • You can carry over unused funds from year to year.
  • The HSA is yours to keep even if you change jobs, change health plans or retire.

*Contributions are tax deductible on your federal tax return. Some states do not recognize HSA contributions as a deduction, and some states tax interest earned on your HSA. Your own HSA contributions are either tax deductible or pre-tax (if made by payroll deduction). Refer to IRS Publication 969, or consult a qualified tax advisor to see how your state treats HSA contributions.

How much can I contribute to an HSA?

  • With employee-only coverage, you can contribute up to $3,850 to your HSA each calendar year.
  • With coverage for the employee and at least one (1) enrolled dependent, you can contribute up to $7,750 to your HSA each calendar year.
  • Employees who are age 55 or older (or those who will turn age 55 during the plan year) can make additional “catch-up” HSA contributions of up to $1,000.

Because HSA contributions are before-tax payroll deductions, they lower your current taxes. You earn interest on your HSA contributions, and when your balance reaches $2,000, you can invest your HSA dollars just as you do with your 401(k) account.

Does the company contribute to my HSA?

If you enroll in the CDHP 2, you may also qualify for Hertz contributions to your HSA account. The annual Hertz HSA contribution is as follows:

  • With employee-only coverage, the annual Hertz HSA contribution is $500
  • With coverage for the employee and at least one (1) enrolled dependent, the annual Hertz HSA contribution is $1,000.

The Hertz HSA contribution is deposited to CDHP 2 participants with an HSA twice each year, with the first half of the amount in July and second half in January. The annual contributions limits include both your contributions and Hertz contributions.

What happens to my HSA if I no longer am covered by one a Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP)?

While you can no longer contribute to your HSA, you can still use the remaining funds to pay or be reimbursed for future qualified health care expenses.

What happens to my HSA if I change medical plans or terminate my employment?

You can take your HSA balance with you if you ever change medical plans or leave Hertz, and any Hertz contributions made to your HSA are always yours to keep.

Can I have an HSA and a Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)?

Under current IRS rules, you cannot contribute to both an HSA and a full-purpose Health Care FSA. However, because a Limited Purpose FSA restricts reimbursements to dental and vision care expenses, the IRS does allow you to participate in both an HSA and a Limited Purpose FSA at the same time.

By having both accounts, you can maximize your tax and savings benefits.

Refer to the Benefits Guide to learn more about about the Limited Purpose FSA.

Dental Plan

What are my dental plan options?

You can choose from three dental plans: a DHMO, Plan B, or Plan C. Read the Benefits eGuide for information about the dental plans.

How can I find a dentist in the Cigna Dental network?

To see a list of network providers in your area, visit You can also call Cigna at 1-800-244-6224 to speak with a customer service representative who can help you find a provider.

What if I don’t get my dental ID card before I need to use my benefits?

You can print a temporary ID card by logging in to your account or accessing the myCigna app. You can also ask your dentist to verify benefits using your Social Security number.

Do the plans cover orthodontia?

The DHMO covers orthodontia for children and adults. Plan B covers orthodontia only for children. Click here for more information.

Vision Plan

What is the vision plan?

The vision plan covers exams and prescription eyeglass lenses or contact lenses in lieu of eyeglasses. Read the Benefits eGuide for the vision plan information.

How can I find a vision provider in the EyeMed network?

Go to or call 1-866-723-0513 to speak to a representative.

Do I need a vision ID card?

No, you don’t need a vision ID card. An ID card isn’t required to receive vision services or care. Call an EyeMed provider to schedule an appointment and tell them that you’re an EyeMed member. The provider and EyeMed will handle the rest.

Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA)

What is the advantage of an HCFSA?

One of the biggest advantages of an HCFSA is the tax savings. Every dollar you set aside in your HCFSA reduces the amount you pay in income taxes (or taxable income). Plus, you can reimburse yourself from your HCFSA for qualified health care expenses that you’re already paying for with after-tax dollars.

Who can enroll in an HCFSA?

You can enroll in an HCFSA if you’re enrolled in the Hertz PPO or Copay medical plan, or even if you are not enrolled in a Hertz medical plan.

What expenses can I pay for with a Health Care FSA?

There are hundreds of qualified expenses, including:

Medical and dental plan deductibles, copays, and coinsurance

Prescription drug copays and coinsurance

Certain over-the-counter drugs with a prescription

Vision expenses

See IRS Publication 502 for a complete list of qualified expenses.

Can I have both an HCFSA and a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

No, IRS rules prohibit contributing to an HCFSA and an HSA at the same time.

Will I receive a debit card?

Yes, you’ll receive a convenient debit card for point of service transactions. See the eGuide for more details. You may still need to submit documentation of your purchases and, if you choose, you can pay providers directly online.

How much can I contribute to my HCFSA?

You can set aside $100 to $3,050 each plan year on a before-tax basis to reimburse yourself for qualified health care expenses. You must use all of your money in your account by the deadline or you forfeit it.

Can I change my HCFSA contribution during the year?

Contributions cannot be changed during the plan year unless you experience a qualified life event, like having a baby or getting married.

How much should I contribute to my HCFSA?

You can use your prior year’s expenses as a base to help you calculate your future expenses. The HCFSA has a “use it or lose it” rule, so any funds you don’t use by the end of the plan year will be forfeited.

When is the money in my HCFSA available?

If you’re a new hire, your entire balance is available on your benefits effective date. If are a current employee and enrolled during Open Enrollment, your entire HCFSA balance is available on July 1. 

What happens to the money in my HCFSA at the end of the plan year on June 30?

You must incur eligible expenses no later than September 15 and submit a claim for reimbursement by December 31 following the end of the prior plan year (June 30) or any remaining balance will be forfeited.

What is the difference between an HCFSA and a Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA)?

The Dependent Care FSA is a tax-advantaged savings account designed to help you pay for qualified care expenses for an eligible dependent, such as daycare or elder care, so you and/or your spouse can continue to work.

The HCFSA is a tax-advantaged savings account designed to help you pay for qualified health care expenses for you and your dependents. Both are governed by IRS rules.

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)

Who can I cover under my DCFSA?

You can cover the following individuals under your DCFSA:

  • A qualifying child under age 13 who is claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes. A qualifying child must reside with the participant for more than half the year and must not provide over half of his/her own support.
  • The participant’s legal spouse who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care.
  • A qualifying relative who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care, provided:
  • The participant provides more than one half of that person’s support.
  • The qualifying relative can be claimed as a dependent on the employee’s federal income tax return.
  • The qualifying relative is not a qualifying child of the participant or any other taxpayer.

To access your DCFSA, click here.

What expenses can I pay with my DCFSA?

Your DCFSA funds can be used to pay for dependent day care expenses. Eligible expenses include:

Care provided in the participant’s home, even when household services are also provided, however, the participant must separate expenses for care from expenses for household services.

Care provided outside the participant’s home for persons who regularly spend at least eight hours a day in the participant’s home. Dependent care centers that provide care for more than six people who don’t live at the center must comply with applicable state and local regulations.

  • Expenses for a babysitter or daycare facility.
  • Before- or after-school care for a child under age 13.

Refer to IRS Publication 503 for a complete list of qualified dependent day care expenses.

How much can I contribute to my DCFSA?

You can contribute up to $5,000 a year ($2,500 maximum if you’re married and file separate tax returns).

What is the difference between a Health Care FSA and a DCFSA?

The DCFSA is a tax-advantaged savings account designed to help you pay for qualified care expenses for an eligible dependent, such as daycare.

The Health Care FSA is a tax-advantaged savings account designed to help you pay for qualified medical, prescription, dental, and vision expenses for you and your dependents. Both are governed by IRS rules.

Is the DCFSA a way to pay for my family’s medical expenses?

No, the DCFSA does not cover any medical, prescription drug, dental, or vision expenses. It only covers eligible dependent day care expenses.

Will I receive a debit card for the DCFSA?

No. You pay for services upfront and reimburse yourself through paper claims. You can access your FSA here.

How much should I contribute to my DCFSA?

You can use your prior year’s expenses as a base to help you calculate your future expenses. The DCFSA has a “use it or lose it” rule, so any funds you don’t use by the end of the year will be forfeited.

Can I change my DCFSA contribution during the year?

DCFSA contributions cannot be changed during the plan year unless you experience a qualified life event, like having a baby or getting married.

When are my DCFSA funds available?

They’re available for use as they are deposited into your account.

What happens to the money in my DCFSA at the end of the plan year on June 30?

You must incur eligible expenses no later than September 15 and submit a claim for reimbursement by December 31 following the end of the prior plan year (June 30) or any remaining balance will be forfeited.

Wellness Program

What does Hertz mean by “wellness”?

Wellness is about more than just your physical health. It’s about all of you: your financial wellness, emotional happiness, and how involved you are in your community. Hertz cares about you and your family and we want every aspect of your life to be fulfilling. That’s what wellness means at Hertz.

What is the Wellness Program?

The Wellness Program is a mutual commitment to wellness, not only to enhance our lives, but we’re better able to manage health care costs. The healthier you are, the less you and Hertz spend on medical expenses.

You and your covered spouse/domestic partner enrolled in a UMR medical plan can both earn a wellness discount to reduce your monthly medical premium for the upcoming plan year. We are currently revising the Hertz Wellness Program. Be on the lookout for updates in the coming weeks with more details.

Who can participate?

You and your spouse/domestic partner enrolled in a Hertz medical plan through UMR can participate. If you’re not enrolled in a Hertz medical plan through UMR, you cannot participate. However, you can take advantage of other Hertz wellness benefits and programs like the EAP (if you have Basic Life Insurance) and our Tobacco Cessation Program.

If you live in Hawaii, you’re not eligible for this program because you have a different wellness program through Kaiser. But you may still take advantage of some of the other wellness benefits and programs such as EAP and the tobacco cessation program, and even some Kaiser-specific programs. Click here for more information.

I’m a new hire. Can I earn a monthly wellness discount?

If you’re a new hire, you and your covered spouse/domestic partner can each earn a $50/month wellness discount (so $100/month total for both) for the current plan year if you get a well care exam (annual physical) within 60 days of your effective date of UMR medical coverage. If you had your exam within six months before your enrollment date, you may attest to having the exam to meet this requirement. The wellness discount will begin on the first paycheck as soon as it is administratively possibly.

To earn the wellness discount for the following year, you and your covered spouse/domestic partner must complete the requirements for all covered employees. We are currently revising the Hertz Wellness Program. Be on the lookout for updates in the coming weeks with more details.

Are there other wellness resources aside from the Wellness Program with Hertz?

Yes! You can even use some of these resources without being enrolled in a Hertz medical plan.

Plan Advisor + Care Connect can help you reduce medical and prescription drug out-of-pocket costs while helping you improve your wellbeing. Think of them as your personal team of nurses, benefit experts and claims specialists who will do all they can to support your unique health care needs. (You’ll need to be enrolled in a Hertz medical plan through UMR in the United States mainland to use this resource.)

Perks at Work gives you access to many health and wellness resources, like fitness center membership discounts, health electronics discounts, vitamin and supplement discounts, grocery delivery discounts, and more! Learn more or start shopping if you already have an account.

Hertz’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through The Hartford is available to employees with Basic Life Insurance and all members of their household at no cost. Get confidential counseling and relationship support, and use the many other web-based resources to help with any concerns that could affect you, your family, or your job. Learn more.

And did you know? If you’re enrolled in Hertz Critical Illness or Accident Insurance through The Hartford, you can earn a cash Health Screening Benefit. See the Benefits eGuide to learn more.

Does Hertz offer smoking cessation help?

Yes, all employees and spouses/domestic partners enrolled in a Hertz medical plan are eligible for the Tobacco Cessation Program.

Call (800) 207-7680 to speak to a UMR health coach. You’ll be connected with an expert, certified tobacco cessation coach.

Life Insurance & Disability Coverage

What is the Life Insurance coverage?

Hertz provides Company-paid Basic Life Insurance at one times your base annual pay up to $1.5 million without proof of good health. You also have the opportunity to purchase supplemental life insurance up to a maximum of six times your annual base salary, not to exceed $3 million for both Basic and Supplemental coverage.

Read the Benefits eGuide for more information about your coverage.

Will I need to provide an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for Supplemental Life Insurance?

If you’re a new hire and enroll in Supplemental Life Insurance for the first time, you can elect coverage up to the lesser of five times your annual base pay or $300,000 without providing an EOI.

If you’re a current employee and are enrolling for the first time or if you choose to increase your Supplemental Life Insurance coverage by more than 1x your annual base salary, EOI will be required.

How do I designate a beneficiary?

Click here to log in and update your beneficiaries. You can also call AskHR at 1-800-654-3373. AskHR is available from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET (8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT), Monday through Friday.

What Short-Term Disability (STD) coverage is available for non-exempt (hourly) employees?

Short-Term Disability is paycheck insurance that protects a portion of your income in the event of a short-term illness, pregnancy, or a non-occupational injury. Non-exempt (hourly) employees receive a Company-paid core benefit and you can choose to purchase additional coverage. 

Read the Benefits eGuide for information about your coverage.

What Short-Term Disability (STD) coverage is available for exempt (salaried) employees?

Short-Term Disability is paycheck insurance that protects a portion of your income in the event of a short-term illness, pregnancy, or a non-occupational injury. Exempt (salaried) employees receive a salary continuation benefit. 

Read the Benefits eGuide for information about your coverage.

What Long-Term Disability (LTD) coverage is available?

Long-Term Disability replaces a percentage of basic monthly income in the event an extended illness or injury prevents you from working. LTD pays a benefit if you continue to be disabled and unable to work after exhausting your Short-Term Disability benefits. Read the Benefits eGuide for information about your coverage.

Will I need to provide an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for LTD coverage?

If you’re a new hire and enroll in LTD coverage for the first time, you do not need to provide EOI.

If you’re a current employee and are enrolling for the first time or if you choose to increase your LTD coverage from 50% to 60%, EOI will be required.

What is the Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance coverage?

AD&D Insurance provides you and your family a benefit in the event of accidental death or serious injury. You may purchase coverage for yourself and for your eligible spouse/domestic partner. Read the Benefits eGuide for more information about your coverage.

401(k) Plan

Where can I find out more information about the 401(k)?

Read the 401(k) page in the Benefits eGuide.

Who is eligible to participate in the 401(k)?

Employees can participate in the 401(k) on the first of the month after 60 days of employment.

Do I need to enroll in the 401(k)?

Yes, you need to enroll to participate in the 401(k). Once you’re eligible, click here to enroll.

How much can I contribute to the 401(k)?

For 2023, the contribution limit is $22,500. The 2024 contribution limit is $23,000. If you are age 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $7,500.

Is there a company match? If yes, what is it?

Hertz will match the first 3% you contribute dollar-for-dollar (at 100%), and then match 50 cents per dollar on the next 2% you contribute. This means if you are eligible and contribute at least 5%, you will receive a matching contribution equal to 4% of your eligible compensation. All matching contributions are immediately vested.

What are my investment options?

Once you’re eligible, click here to log in and learn more about your investment options.

Voluntary Benefits

What is Critical Illness Insurance coverage?

Critical Illness Insurance supplements your medical insurance. It provides a lump sum payment if you or a covered family member is diagnosed with a specific condition, including cancer, heart attacks, and strokes. You can cover yourself and your spouse/domestic partner and your children are automatically covered at 50% of your benefit. Read the Benefits eGuide for more information about your coverage.

What is the Accident Insurance coverage?

Accident Insurance supplements your medical insurance. It pays a specified dollar amount to help cover out-of-pocket costs for a wide variety of injuries and accidents. You can cover yourself, your spouse/domestic partner, and your children. Read the Benefits eGuide for more information about your coverage.

What is the Hospital Indemnity Insurance coverage?

Hospital Indemnity Insurance supplements your medical insurance if you or a covered family member is hospitalized. It pays a specified dollar amount to help cover out-of-pocket costs. You can cover yourself, your spouse/domestic partner, and your children. Read the Benefits eGuide for more information about your coverage.

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet Insurance, through Pets Best, can help you better manage the high cost of veterinary services for your pet. 

Read the Benefits eGuide to learn more about the coverage.

What is Identity Protection?

Identity Protection coverage can help if your identity or financial information is lost or stolen. Read the Benefits eGuide to learn more about the coverage.

What is the Legal Plan?

Hertz partners with MetLife Legal Plans (formerly Hyatt Legal Plan) to offer a pre-paid legal service that provides you access to lawyers that can help with a variety of needs from traffic tickets to will preparation to refinancing your home. 

Read the Benefits eGuide to learn more about the coverage.

Paid Parental Leave and Adoption Assistance

What is the Paid Parental Leave Policy?

Birth mothers can take 8 weeks of Paid Parental Leave, due to being physically unable to work after the birth of a child.

In addition, the following Hertz employees can take two weeks of Paid Parental Leave to spend time bonding with their children:

  • Birth mothers
  • An individual whose spouse or domestic partner gives birth to a child (including same-sex partners)
  • An individual who adopts a child or who has a child placed for foster care (the child must be age 17 or younger at the time of the adoption or foster care placement)
  • An individual who has a child placed with him/her by surrogacy

The adoption of a stepchild is excluded under this policy.

To read the full policy, click here.

Who is eligible for Paid Parental Leave?

You can take Paid Parental Leave if you’re an eligible full-time regular (non-casual and non-temporary) employee and have worked at Hertz for 12 continuous months.

When can I take Paid Parental Leave?

Paid Parental Leave must be taken and completed during the first 6-month period immediately following your child’s birth, adoption, foster placement, or surrogacy placement.

Do I have to take all of my leave at once?

Yes. Paid parental leave must be taken as one continuous period of leave, except as provided by law.

How and when do I request Paid Parental Leave?

You must notify your manager and The Hartford (Hertz’s leave administrator) at least 30 days before your anticipated date of departure for leave. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as premature birth, give notice as soon as you can.

I am a birth mother. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?

You’ll receive 10 weeks of paid leave: 8 weeks to recover from the birth of your child and an additional 2 weeks for bonding with your newborn.

I am the spouse/domestic partner of a woman who gave birth. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?

You’ll receive 2 weeks of paid leave for bonding with your newborn.

I am adopting or fostering a child. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?

You’ll receive 2 weeks of paid leave for bonding with your child. The child must be age 17 or younger at the time of the adoption or foster care placement.

A child will be placed with me by surrogacy. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?

You’ll receive 2 weeks of paid leave for bonding with your child.

My baby was stillborn. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?

You’ll receive 8 weeks of paid leave to recover from the birth of your child.

I gave birth and chose to give my child up for adoption. How much Paid Parental Leave will I receive under the policy?

You will receive 8 weeks of paid leave to recover from the birth of your child.

I got married and adopted my new spouse’s children. Am I eligible for Paid Parental Leave?

No. Stepchildren are excluded from this policy.

My spouse/domestic partner also works at Hertz. If we have a child are we both able to take Paid Parental Leave?

Yes. Based on your eligibility, you may both take the full amount allowable under the policy.

If I give birth to or adopt more than one child, am I eligible for additional Paid Parental Leave?

No. Multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.) with a single pregnancy, adoption, foster placement, or surrogacy placement count as 1 event. You will not receive more than your allowable leave, regardless of whether more than one birth, adoption, foster care placement, or surrogacy placement, except as required by law.

I had to stop working due to complications and have been on Short-Term Disability (STD) and now I’ve given birth. Who do I need to notify that I’m now taking Paid Parental Leave?

Notify your manager and The Hartford (Hertz’s leave administrator) as soon as you can after the birth of your child.

How is Paid Parental Leave calculated?

Paid Parental Leave is paid at 100% of your regular base pay excluding incentive pay, bonuses, and any other form of special compensation. 

If you are a commission salesperson paid a base salary plus commissions, base pay for determining benefits will be equal to 80% of your prior year’s annualized Hertz W-2 earnings or current base pay, whichever is greater. To learn more about how the benefit is calculated, go here.

What documentation do I need to provide to take Paid Parental Leave?

You have to provide appropriate documentation, such as a copy of the child’s birth certificate or adoption papers. The documentation must be provided before the leave begins or as soon as you can provide it.

Can I extend my FMLA time by using vacation or sick time?

No, Hertz’s Paid Parental Leave runs concurrently with FMLA. If you want to extend your leave beyond the allotted 12-week FMLA time, you can request additional personal leave time and apply earned vacation or sick time, in accordance with Hertz policies. Contact AskHR for more information.

Will my benefits or employment status be affected if I take Paid Parental Leave?

No. While you’re out on leave, Hertz will maintain all your employee benefits under the same terms and conditions that would apply if you had remained at work. You’ll continue to pay the employee portion of your benefits premiums and Hertz will continue to pay the employer portion.

In addition, when you return from Paid Parental Leave, Hertz will reinstate you at your former position, or one with equivalent status, pay, and benefits that you would have had if you had not taken leave.

My state offers paid parental leave benefits. How do those work with Hertz Paid Parental Leave?

It is your responsibility to apply for any state or local paid family leave benefits that you may be entitled to receive. If you receive state or local parental leave benefits, you must share your benefit calculation with Hertz once you’ve received your benefit.

State or local paid family care or parental leave benefits will be applied first. Then, your Hertz Paid Parental Leave will make up any remaining benefit to ensure that you receive 100% of your regular base pay while on parental leave. You will receive no more than 100% of your regular base pay while on parental leave.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the Paid Parental Leave Benefit?

You can contact The Hartford with any questions you have about your claim before, during, and after your leave.

Where can I read the Paid Parental Leave policy?

You can access it here.

If I do not return to Hertz at the end of my Paid Parental Leave, what happens?

If you do not return to work after your Paid Parental Leave has ended, Hertz may seek to recover any benefit premiums paid for maintaining coverage for you and any dependents while you were on leave, unless you are unable to return to work due to an unexpected circumstance (such as the onset, recurrence, or continuation of a serious health condition of you or your child).

What is the Adoption Assistance Program?

The Program offers a maximum benefit of $5,000 per eligible child (up to two children per employee). If you adopt a child and your situation qualifies for benefits, the Program reimburses you for a portion of your eligible expenses once the adoption is legally final.

To read the full policy, go here.

Who is eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program?

You’re eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program if you’re an eligible full-time regular (non-casual and non-temporary) employee and have worked at Hertz for 12 continuous months.

What are the eligible expenses?

Eligible expenses include:

  1. Adoption fees;
  2. Attorney fees;
  3. Court costs;
  4. Travel expenses (including meals and lodging) while away from home;
  5. Other reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to the legal adoption of a child (e.g., uninsured medical expenses for the adopted child and/or birth mother, immigration and naturalization fees, and immunization and translation fees).

Are there any expenses that are not eligible?

Yes. This list is not all expenses that may not be eligible, but identifies the more common expenses that the Program does not cover, such as expenses:

  • For which you received funds under any state, local, or federal program;
  • That violate state or federal law;
  • For carrying out a surrogate parenting arrangement;
  • Paid or reimbursed by another employer, any other person or organization, or your employer or an employer-sponsored plan other than through this Program;
  • Allowed as a credit or deduction under any other provision of federal income tax law; or
  • For an adoption that is not legally final.

Who qualifies as an eligible child?

Any child under age 18 who is not a blood relative or previously adopted child of you or your spouse. If the child turns 18 during the year, the child is eligible for the part of the year he or she is under age 18 (unless the child is physically or mentally incapable of self-care).

How do I apply for the Adoption Assistance Program?

To receive reimbursement, you must pay for any qualified expenses and save your receipts. Then you must file a claim within 90 days of the date the adoption is legal.

How do I file an Adoption Assistance Program claim?

You must complete a claim form. You can access it here while at work.

When do I need to file a claim to receive reimbursement?

You must file a claim within 90 days following the date the adoption is legally final. Allow to two to four weeks for your claim to be processed.

Am I eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program if I adopt a child from a foreign country?

Yes. However, if you adopt a child from a foreign country in an international adoption, the Program will not recognize your adoption as final until you have met the state law adoption requirements for the state you live in.

My spouse/domestic partner also works at Hertz. If we adopt a child are we both eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program?

If both you and your spouse or domestic partner are eligible for the Program, only one of you can claim reimbursement for eligible expenses that either or both of you incur.

Do I have to pay taxes on any benefit I receive?

Certain adoption-related expenses may be nontaxable to you. You may also be able to receive an income tax credit for certain adoption-related expenses, but you cannot receive a nontaxable reimbursement and take a tax credit for the same adoption expense. Both the exclusion and the tax credit are subject to certain dollar limits and income limits.

You are responsible for determining if any benefits you receive under the program are taxable or nontaxable. Hertz cannot and will not provide tax or legal advice to you. Every situation is unique and may be complicated, and you are encouraged to consult your professional tax advisor. You are also encouraged to review Form 8839 “Qualified Adoption Expenses” and the accompanying instructions for more information. They’re available on the IRS website.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the Adoption Assistance Program?

Contact AskHR at 1-800-654-3373. AskHR is available Monday through Friday from (9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET) 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT.

Where can I read the Adoption Assistance Program policy?

You can access it here.

More Plans and Programs

What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) — SupportLinc— is a voluntary, confidential counseling program designed to assist you and your family members. You can access the EAP whenever you experience a personal, family, or work issue that may affect your health, job performance, or general well-being, and it’s FREE to you — Hertz pays the full cost.

Visit the EAP website and download the mobile app. Our group code is hertz (all lowercase).

Does Hertz offer commuter benefits?

Yes. Commuter Benefits allow employees to pay for work-related commuting expenses by using pre-tax dollars (up to an IRS monthly maximum). You decide the amount on a monthly basis that you wish to set aside to pay for public transportation (e.g. trains, buses), vanpool, and parking expenses. 

Any Hertz employee who incurs mass transit or parking expenses during their commute to and from work in the U.S. are able to use the commuter benefits program through Qualified Transportation Benefit Services (QTB). To use the program, you’ll use a convenient debit card funded each pay period with your pre-tax payroll deductions. And using your pre-tax money for mass transit and parking expenses can help you save up to $1,560 annually in taxes (depending on your commuting expenses and tax filing).

Read the Benefits eGuide to learn more about the program.

Is there a discount for employees to rent cars from Hertz?

Hertz offers our employees 40% off car rentals. Employees can add up to five family members and friends to enjoy the discount as well. Click here  for more information.

Does Hertz offer employee discounts besides car rentals?

Yes, Hertz partners with Perks at Work to give you hundreds of exclusive deals and discounts. From discounts on electronics and appliances to discounts on hotels and amusement parks, we’ve got serious deals to check out.

Ready to sign up? Go to Perks at Work to register using your Hertz email to activate your account.

Can employees purchase cars from Hertz?

Yes. You can save $700 on each car purchased and your family members can receive the discount too. While you’re at work, click here for more information and learn more by reading this brochure.

Are there learning and development opportunities?

Yes. Hertz provides a variety of ways to grow your skills and your career. Click here for more information.

Does Hertz offer tuition reimbursement?

Yes. After working on a regular full-time basis for at least six months, employees are eligible to receive tuition reimbursement on graduate or undergraduate programs — up to $5,250 per calendar year for courses begun on or after July 1, 2021. Employees who voluntarily leave Hertz within one year of receiving tuition reimbursement must reimburse Hertz for any payments received. When you’re at work, click here to learn more.

What are the Hertz Service Awards?

Hertz recognizes employees who have worked at the Company from 5 to 45 years. The recognition award is based on your years of service. When you’re at work, click here for more information. This program is currently suspended due to the pandemic.

Is there an employee referral program?

Yes! Our employee referral program rewards you if you refer a candidate who’s hired by Hertz and stays for at least one year. When you’re at work, click here for more information.